-that’s what my family calls me. Don’t get me wrong I can get in a “negative Nancy ” mood just like everyone else when things just don’t go my way or I’m faced with an adverse situation, but I made a rule years ago to live my life by this quote “Negatives are just positives in disguise” and if those negative thoughts start to get in I only let that affect me for a 30 min max, (very few people will ever see this too) - I then make myself find the positive in that situation.
I believe everyone has to go through some adverse situations in their life. Adverse conditions make up a large part of our life as it teaches us how to deal with specific circumstances. AND Don’t forget, when you are on the right track you need to face more adverse situations than before.
Being positive even during the greatest tragedy is essential in life. Positive thinking won’t only allow you to be happy in life but will offer you the strength to deal with almost any situation with a smile.
Learning to stay positive in life is invaluable. Here are few “rules” I follow
The type of people you spend the most time with is the real influencer of your character and thinking. When you hang with positive people, you will allow their positivity to flow into your soul. Once it enters your mind, no NEGATIVE Situation can take your positive mindset away from you. If you want to stay positive in life, try to avoid negative people at all cost. They are the real soul suckers, and their negative attitudes will only bring you down.
Humans make mistakes in every walk of life. You too are prone to making mistakes, and you shouldn’t worry much about it too much.
If you’ve made a mistake, learn to accept it and also to take the necessary steps to sort it out. Many of us, are not a great fan of “Changes.” However, you must learn to accept that life won’t remain the same forever. It will change according to the time.
Sometimes, change is right for you, and sometimes it isn’t. No matter what, learn to accept the situation as it is and try your best to mould it to your preference.
Nothing good or bad happens to us, it is just the way we perceive things that either make it right or wrong for us.
When you make your mind treat every negative situation as a lesson to learn in life, you will be able to have a positive life.
The more you take things negatively, the more negative your mind and actions become. When a negative thought comes to your mind, instantly replace it with a positive one. That’s how you can lead a positive life. Do this, and you will be amazed to see how a Negative Situation Turns Positive for you.
One of the main reason why people don’t live a happy life is because they actively run after things they don’t need. You need to be very grateful for what you have now and try to be as happy as you can be. Being happy doesn’t mean that you will stop upgrading your lifestyle. But you need to have a grateful mind and heart and be satisfied. Always count your blessings, nothing else.
Exercising is a healthy activity for your body, but your mind needs it too. You need to use your mind so that it gives away with all the stress of the past day and to fill it up with new positive thoughts.
Trust me, using your mind to change the situation is the best way to deal with adversity in life.